Mahindra has launched another new SUV under its umbrella which has once again taken the Indian market by storm. Indian automaker Mahindra has taken the Indian market by storm with the launch of several new generations in a row which has brought down the market of other SUVs. Mahindra has once again brought the new Thar Roxx.
[Noted: Good news for Indians, Mahindra Thar Rooxx is now available at your nearest Mahindra dealership.]
Highlight Of Mahindra Thar Roxx
Compared to the previous generation, the new generation Mahindra Thar Roxx has a very robust design. It also has a strong body and a 5-door design, which is a great mix of off-road and urban street riding.
Mahindra Thar Roxx Design
If we look at the front design of the newly launched Mahindra, it has LED headlights and also a boxy look with a grille that makes the car look very aesthetic and classic.
Another features are:
- Smart connectivity: Apple CarPlay, Android Auto compatibility.
- Panoramic sunroof.
- Automatic climate control.
- Ventilated seats.
Safety features:
- ADAS system
- 360° camera
Mahindra Thar Roxx Power & Performance
The new Mahindra Thar is equipped with two powerful engine options, one is petrol and the other is diesel. The 2.0-litre turbo petrol engine generates 160 bhp of power and 330 Nm of torque and is mated to a 6-speed manual and 6-speed automatic transmission.
The 2.2 liter diesel engine can generate 150 bhp of power and 330 nm of torque and it comes with a 6-speed manual and 6-speed automatic transmission.
Mahindra Thar Roxx Features
The new generation Mahindra Thar comes with a number of cutting-edge technologies and features. The highlight among the features is its digital instrument cluster which is a 10.25 inch fully digital display with touchscreen infotainment system.
Mahindra Thar Roxx Price
The price of this powerful Mahindra Thar Roxx starts at Rs. 12.99 lakhs.